- 1. This vocabulary word means slightly overweight.
- 5. This vocabulary word means shy or bashful.
- 8. The story takes place in this city in California.
- 10. This vocabulary word means to shake.
- 13. This is the part of the plot diagram where Teresa asks Victor to tutor her in French.
- 14. The protagonist of the story
- 15. This vocabulary word means to stay longer than necessary or to not want to leave.
- 16. This term is when we learn about Victor's conflict and his first day of school events.
- 17. Victor's best friend
- 2. "Stay true to yourself." is an example of this term.
- 3. This term is highest point in the story where Mr. Bueller learns that Victor does not know French.
- 4. This term happens when Victor bolts out of class after embarrassing himself by trying to speak French.
- 6. This term is when we learn about the setting and character.
- 7. Victor's crush
- 9. This type situation is when Victor faces a challenge like saying he knows French.
- 11. Victor's French teacher
- 12. This vocabulary means at the same time.
- 16. This is the part of the plot diagram where Victor runs to the library to get French books.