Seventy - six dollars and Forty- nine cents

  1. 1. The writing teacher that is making the memoirs an assignment.
  2. 4. The main character of the story
  3. 5. Monk and Herve's favorite movie/book
  4. 8. This story is not written in prose, but it is written in ---
  5. 11. Monk did not have his --- on in the car
  6. 12. The new superpower that Monk has is reading people's ---
  7. 14. The author of the story ( last name)
  1. 1. Monk's new superpower is reading people's ---
  2. 2. Monk's dad works for the ---
  3. 3. Monk has a crush on ---
  4. 6. While stopping for ice cream, Monk's mom orders Lime and Strawberry ---
  5. 7. Monk's best friend
  6. 9. What Monk is writing
  7. 10. The teacher giving a pop quiz
  8. 11. Monk has one --- (sibling)
  9. 13. The author of the story ( first name)