
  1. 4. study of language
  2. 5. study of human past
  3. 8. stiff paper to hold papers
  4. 9. bag to carry books
  5. 11. felt tip coloring pens
  6. 12. instrument for writing
  7. 13. gain knowledge
  8. 14. collection of books
  9. 17. formal educator
  10. 18. schoolwork
  11. 20. set learning section
  12. 21. student in school
  13. 23. hard adhesive tube
  14. 25. thick sheets for binders
  15. 26. narrow sticky strip
  16. 29. scheduled play outside
  17. 30. request for information
  18. 31. gym class
  19. 33. tool to measure angles
  20. 34. learning to compose words
  21. 35. making sense of words
  22. 37. room for physical exercise
  23. 38. fluorescent pen
  24. 40. blank pages to write
  25. 42. book of definitions
  26. 44. white stick to write on board
  1. 1. wood frame to hold art
  2. 2. large classroom board
  3. 3. assignments to do at home
  4. 6. chart of days. Weeks. Months
  5. 7. study of nature & things
  6. 10. head of a school
  7. 14. method of communication
  8. 15. device tor math calculations
  9. 16. colored fluid for pen
  10. 17. book of synonyms
  11. 19. soft rubber to rub out lead
  12. 22. large folder to hold files
  13. 24. place were students learn
  14. 25. table to do homework
  15. 27. short message
  16. 28. study of numbers
  17. 30. short test
  18. 32. knowledge test
  19. 33. writing instrument of lead
  20. 36. flat case to showcase paper
  21. 37. study of physical earth
  22. 39. short piece of writing
  23. 41. pages bound together to read
  24. 43. examination