
  1. 2. is a tactic that blocks anything from coming in or out of a country/state.
  2. 3. is One of the old capitals.
  3. 6. were People who went against slavery
  4. 9. CROPS Crops that are paid a lot of money when sold.
  5. 10. was A city where union soldiers were kept prisoners in a ' prison.'
  6. 12. The side of the war that supported slavery.
  7. 13. The side of the war that did not want slavery.
  1. 1. was A place where the course of the war went to the North, who obtained the victory due to this battle.
  2. 4. is the capital of Ga right now.
  3. 5. is the old way to transport things, much faster than on horseback.
  4. 7. is the act of separating from a Union.
  5. 8. A proclamation of emancipation
  6. 11. is voiding or ignoring a law if the states choose to.