  1. 3. This anxiety response was measured to unfamiliar adults
  2. 6. Child forms a primary attachment and shows stranger and separation anxiety from this person
  3. 7. By 18 months only 13% were attached to one person, meaning most had ____ attachments to other familiar adults who they spend a lot of time with
  4. 8. They also asked the mother to record a ____
  5. 10. They conducted a _____ study to find out about the development of attachment
  6. 11. Stage where babies accept comfort from anyone and have no preference between inanimate and animate objects
  7. 12. They observed the children through ____
  8. 14. This anxiety response was measured by the child being left alone outside a shop
  1. 1. Number of stages Shaffer and Emmerson came up with as a result of the observation
  2. 2. Child starts to learn to differentiate between familiar and non-familiar people
  3. 4. Percentage of cases where the person who fed, bathed and changed the child was not the child's primary attachment object (word displayed as hyphenated)
  4. 5. During the specific attachment phase, infants use familiar adults as a ____ base
  5. 9. Area the infants were from
  6. 13. Number of infants they studied (in words not numbers!)