- 3. She was Queen during Shakespeare’s lifetime, an avid theater supporter, and ruled for 45 years
- 5. Shakespeare used his specific meter partly because it follows the natural rhythm of the human _________
- 10. These were not permitted to be actors in Elizabethan England
- 11. Each line of Shakespeare’s meter would have ______ _________ (All one word for answer)
- 13. a play written by Shakespeare RIVAL, about a man who sells his soul to the devil
- 15. Would have paid a penny to stand and watch the play
- 16. One character speaking to something or someone IN the world of the play
- 17. This position was similar to our modern day censor
- 21. Going to the theater in Elizabethan England would be an all day and ________ event
- 23. Shakespeare’s poetic meter had a repeating pattern of an ___________ syllable and a stressed syllable
- 25. These individuals would have had covered seats at the theater
- 1. The most famous acting troupe of Elizabethan England, of which Shakespeare was a member
- 2. Another style of play Shakespeare wrote were _____________ (red flag)
- 4. Black Flags represented this style of Shakespearean play
- 6. Shakespeare used almost none of these in his writing, instead incorporating them into his dialogue, often indicated location or action of a scene, "exit pursued by bear" was one of the only ones
- 7. the audience was much more ________ than today, even booing, cheering or throwing rotten food at times
- 8. a contemporary rival who was killed in a bar fight
- 9. The theater Shakespeare’s plays were presented in was called The _________
- 12. Shakespeare, like Yoda, flip-flopped the ________ and ________ making his writing difficult to follow at times (all one word answer)
- 14. Another style of Shakespearean play (white Flag)
- 18. One character speaking to something or someone outside the world of the play, such as the audience
- 19. Shakespeare wrote these types of poems
- 20. Although Shakespeare’s plays often changed location, the actual production had very little ________
- 22. ___________ pentameter the type of meter Shakespeare wrote in
- 24. the type of stage that was popular at the time, where the audience was on 3 sides of the stage