Shakespeare and Shelley

  1. 2. This is an old-fashioned way of saying 'you'.
  2. 3. What is one of the topics that Percy Shelley loved to write about?
  3. 6. What type of story was Shelley trying to write when she produced Frankenstein?
  4. 7. The middle name of Percy Shelley.
  5. 9. What did Mary Shelley's husband write?
  6. 11. The name that the creature Frankenstein creates is given
  7. 14. The first name of the woman who created the story of Frankenstein
  8. 15. This is another word which means 'happy', which Percy Shelley uses in his poem.
  1. 1. The surname of one of the greatest poets and playwrights this country has ever had - William ...
  2. 4. Which group of poets did Percy Shelley belong to?
  3. 5. How did Mary Shelley's husband die?
  4. 8. The name of the bird Percy Shelley wrote his poem about.
  5. 10. A form of poetry with 14 lines, and usually about love.
  6. 12. Which season does Shakespeare compare his love to?
  7. 13. The name of the type of electricity produced by a chemical reaction, which inspired 'Frankenstein'