Shakespeare Bio

  1. 6. What was his father's occupation?
  2. 8. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
  3. 11. What was the name of Shakespeare's son?
  4. 12. What was the name of Shakespeare's indoor theater?
  5. 13. What river runs through London?
  1. 1. What town was the birthplace of William Shakespeare?
  2. 2. What name did Shakespeare's troupe go as under King James I?
  3. 3. What was the name of Shakespeare's oldest daughter?
  4. 4. Where was Shakespeare buried?
  5. 5. What was the name of Shakespeare's wife?
  6. 6. What was the name of Shakespeare's open-air theater?
  7. 7. What did Shakespeare name the home he built in Stratford?
  8. 9. What do historians call the time between when Shakespeare left his home town and appeared in London?
  9. 10. What was the name of Shakespeare's troupe?