- 4. What was the name of Shakespeare's open-air theater?
- 7. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
- 10. What was the name of Shakespeare's indoor theater?
- 13. What was the name of Shakespeare's wife?
- 14. What river runs through London?
- 1. What was the name of Shakespeare's troupe?
- 2. What do historians call the time between when Shakespeare left his home town and appeared in London?
- 3. Where was Shakespeare buried?
- 5. What was the name of Shakespeare's son?
- 6. What did Shakespeare name the home he built in Stratford?
- 8. What was the name of Shakespeare's oldest daughter?
- 9. What was his father's occupation?
- 11. What name did Shakespeare's troupe go as under King James I?
- 12. What town was the birthplace of Shakespeare?