- 4. William Shakespeare's mother's maiden name
- 5. Shakespeare's only son
- 9. Shakeaspeare performed in front of this queen multiple times
- 11. "_______ and Juliet
- 12. last name of the man who wrote that Shakespeare was the "Sweet Swan of Avon"
- 14. Shakespeare learned this in grammar school
- 15. New ______ was the house he bought
- 1. "A __________ night's dream"
- 2. Shakespeare's wife's maiden name
- 3. "the ______ of Avon"
- 6. Shakespeare dedicated the poem "Venus and Adonis" to him
- 7. took inspiration from Shakespeare's work
- 8. Shakespeare was a member of Lord _______'s Men
- 10. Shakespeare's father
- 13. Shakespeare's birth month