Shakespeare Titles & Characters

  1. 3. - A play in which the character Beatrice appears
  2. 4. - The character who says "Out, Damned Spot!"
  3. 8. - One of the star-crossed lovers in "Romeo and Juliet"
  4. 11. - A play featuring the character Cordelia
  5. 13. - The setting for "Macbeth"
  6. 14. - The forest in "As You Like It" where characters find refuge and romance
  7. 15. - Shakespeare's shortest tragedy
  1. 1. - The city that Romeo and Juliet is set in
  2. 2. - The mischievous fairy in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
  3. 5. - Shakespeare's wife
  4. 6. - The character who says the famous line "To be or not to be, that is the question"
  5. 7. - Shakespeare's Birthplace
  6. 9. - The fairy queen in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  7. 10. - The ruler of England during much of Shakespeare's career.
  8. 12. - Shakespeare's Famous Theatre in London