Shakespeare's Life

  1. 3. The month of Shakespeare's wedding.
  2. 5. What did Shakespeare establish.
  3. 7. His main plays were based off of
  4. 8. What is Shakespeare's occupation.
  5. 10. How many siblings does Shakespeare have?
  6. 12. What school did Shakespeare attend?
  7. 14. Shakepeare's father's occupation.
  8. 16. What month was Shakespeare baptized?
  9. 17. The wife the Shakespeare.
  1. 1. Oldest surviving child.
  2. 2. The name of his son who passed away.
  3. 4. How many categories were his plays divided into?
  4. 6. His significant impact.
  5. 9. Primary language.
  6. 11. How many siblings passed away?
  7. 13. Who is Shakespeare known as?
  8. 15. How many kids does Shakespeare have?