Shakespeare's life and achievments.

  1. 3. Shakespeare wrote 154____.
  2. 5. Shakespeare was born in the month of ___.
  3. 6. Shakespeare wrote in mainly ___ genres.
  4. 8. Shakespeare died at the age of____.
  5. 9. Shakespeare's wife's first name.
  6. 10. Shakespeare left school at the age of____.
  7. 11. Had only ___ years worth of education despite being one of if not the greatest writer.
  8. 13. How many siblings did Shakespeare have?
  1. 1. Shakespeare grew up in a ____ family.
  2. 2. Grew up and resided in the country of ____.
  3. 4. Introduced up to ____ words.
  4. 5. At a young age he was a ____ himself.
  5. 6. Shakespeare wrote ____ plays.
  6. 7. Shakespeare's inspiration for hamlet was believed to be from his own___.
  7. 12. He was ____ at the time he married.