Shark Anatomy (respiratory system)

  1. 3. incomplete rings of heavy cartilage
  2. 5. also known as #9
  3. 8. small, platelike sheets of epithelial folds
  4. 11. the ______ #10 are located on the other end of #9
  5. 12. #8 is made up of rows of these tiny plates
  6. 13. fan out laterally from #3
  1. 1. also known as #8
  2. 2. short, spikelike projections from #3
  3. 4. also known as #5
  4. 6. two #7 form the gill unit or ___
  5. 7. #8 are arranged in half gills or ___
  6. 9. the area between #10 and #11
  7. 10. located at the anterior of the trunk