Shark saver

  1. 2. to find new methods
  2. 4. slowly going away
  3. 6. Extinctionsno longer existing
  4. 10. on the verge of extinction
  5. 12. To be more powerful
  6. 14. In the Wild,
  7. 16. a species to die out completely
  8. 18. species in the outdoors dying but not tamed ones
  9. 20. to trick someone or something with object least Concerned to not be worried about something
  10. 22. Threatened to almost be in danger
  11. 23. a side effect
  12. 24. full of life animals and plants
  13. 25. Endangered very close to extinction
  1. 1. someone or something at risk
  2. 3. to easily get in danger
  3. 5. strong or Tough
  4. 7. Predatorsa predator that has little to no enemies
  5. 8. Sneaky, slim
  6. 9. catch Catching something on accident
  7. 11. to add one to something new
  8. 13. a rule to stop someone or something
  9. 15. a fish species related to shark
  10. 17. catching fish too much/fast
  11. 19. action
  12. 21. Great, accurate