sharn (along with a few basic ebberon facts)

  1. 4. landing and quarter of sharn
  2. 6. leaders of sharn district areas
  3. 7. quarter of sharn
  4. 8. underneath sharn lies the __
  5. 10. the richest people of sharn live in___
  6. 11. arrabient dragonmarked criminal gang
  7. 12. ____ rail is a train run by house orion ]
  8. 14. the last_____
  9. 15. ruling family of sharn
  10. 17. nation that sharn is in.
  11. 18. where a tower crashed a district became known as ___
  12. 21. manifest zone where sharn is
  13. 23. biggest city in korhavore
  14. 24. quarter of sharn
  1. 1. criminal gang of sharn from droam
  2. 2. common wizards of evaryday life
  3. 3. halfing crime gang
  4. 5. district where most cyran reguees live
  5. 8. main plateau and a quarter of sharn
  6. 9. skyway ball
  7. 13. sharn, city of ___
  8. 16. changelings
  9. 19. the mournland
  10. 20. flying___ run by house lynidindar
  11. 22. quarter of sharn