Shauna is 18!!

  1. 3. Physics teacher extraordinaire!
  2. 5. The hero of many of Shauna's favorite reads
  3. 6. Ghosts of 2020
  4. 11. One of Shauna's many strengths
  5. 12. A unique and wonderful science muse and mentor
  6. 14. A beloved teacher, role model, and family member
  7. 15. Shauna's Harry Potter chum
  8. 16. A favorite family TV show (at least at one time)
  9. 18. The author of a book Shauna read in summer 2020
  10. 19. A candy Shauna doesn't usually pass up
  1. 1. Another part of Shauna's identity
  2. 2. One way Shauna gives to others
  3. 4. The name of an exercise app Shauna used in 2020
  4. 7. Shauna's jewelry-making friend
  5. 8. Everyday essential ballast - they provide food, humor, love and music in the car!
  6. 9. Another favorite teacher
  7. 10. Part of Shauna's identity
  8. 13. A common getaway destination in Shauna's family
  9. 17. A defining acronym in Shauna's high school experience
  10. 20. Where Shauna sometimes holds "court"