
  1. 2. number of marathons Shawn participated in
  2. 5. Name of the Tai family cat
  3. 7. City where Jien Nee and Shawn met
  4. 9. Jien Nee's favorite thing to bake
  5. 10. Jien Nee's favorite animal
  6. 12. Species of Shawn's secret soft toy
  7. 15. Shawn's dream job
  8. 16. First household appliance Shawn wanted to purchase
  1. 1. Thing Shawn collects
  2. 3. district of ShawNee's new home
  3. 4. number of college scholarships Jien Nee received
  4. 6. number of siblings ShawNee has
  5. 8. Jien Nee's Job Title
  6. 11. Age which Jien Nee first tasted French fries
  7. 13. Fruit Shawn dislikes most
  8. 14. Jien Nee's dream job