
  1. 2. A good terminal sire
  2. 4. Used to castrate
  3. 8. An animal that has lots of offspring is said to be...
  4. 10. Our only native breed
  5. 11. Placing the ewes on low plane of nutrition followed by a high plane of nutrition prior to mating
  6. 12. Oestrus occurs every .....days
  7. 16. Wide shoulders and hindquarters would explain this
  8. 17. Important to determine feed requirements for pregnant ewes
  1. 1. Animals that are naturally hornless
  2. 3. Ram is fitted with this around mating time
  3. 5. In heat
  4. 6. Cross breeding animals to gain the best traits of both
  5. 7. Technique used for synchronised breeding
  6. 9. Length of pregnancy
  7. 13. A female sheep
  8. 14. A male sheep
  9. 15. A complex protein fibre
  10. 16. Beestings