Sheldon and Lombroso's Physiological Theories

  1. 1. another new type of criminal Lombroso later found in his studies
  2. 4. criminals are not as developed as modern humans, they were more primitive
  3. 7. Sheldon seen this as an asset to crime.
  4. 8. Sheldon's name for body types
  5. 10. a new type of criminal Lombroso later found in his studies
  6. 13. Lombroso found a murderer's nose to typically be...
  7. 14. the body type least likely to be criminals
  8. 15. the body type most likely to be criminals
  1. 2. Italian Doctor
  2. 3. atavistic criminals often had these due to reduced pain sensitivity
  3. 5. Lombroso found a thief's nose to typically be...
  4. 6. Muscular and hard-bodied
  5. 8. William
  6. 9. Lombroso studied 1000s of these to come up with his theory
  7. 11. Sociable and outgoing
  8. 12. Thin and fragile