Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)

  1. 3. opportunities for interaction and discussion between teacher/student and among students, which encourage elaborated responses about lesson concepts
  2. 7. regularly provided to students on their output (e.g., language, content, work)
  3. 9. explicitly linked to a student’s background experiences
  4. 10. for students to clarify key concepts in L1 as needed with aide, peer, or L1 text
  5. 13. questions or tasks that promote higher order thinking skills (e.g., literal, analytical, and interpretive questions)
  6. 16. for content clearly supported by lesson delivery
  7. 17. explanation of academic tasks
  8. 24. of student comprehension and learning of all lesson objectives (e.g., spot checking, group response) throughout the lesson
  9. 25. content concepts for age and educational background level of students
  10. 28. SIOP component that necessitates social learning through verbal discussion and structural combinations
  11. 31. provided for students to apply content and language knowledge in the classroom
  12. 32. activities for all language skills (i.e., reading, listening, and speaking)
  13. 33. appropriate for student’s proficiency level (e.g., slower rate, enunciation, and simple sentence structure for beginners)
  14. 34. of the lesson appropriate to the student’s ability level
  15. 35. objectives clearly defined, displayed, and reviewed with students
  16. 37. component of SIOP that should meet students at their individual level
  17. 38. of techniques used to make content concepts clear (e.g., modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstration, gestures, body language)
  1. 1. review of key vocabulary
  2. 2. final element of SIOP that is accomplished through either formative or summative means
  3. 4. wait time for student response consistently provided
  4. 5. configurations support language and content objectives of the lesson
  5. 6. of content (e.g., text, assignment) to all levels of student proficiency
  6. 8. emphasized (e.g., introduced, written, repeated, and highlighted for students to see)
  7. 11. key element of SIOP in which students use new knowledge and manipulate materials directly
  8. 12. techniques consistently used to assist and support student understanding (e.g., think-alouds)
  9. 14. delivery clearly supports language objectives
  10. 15. materials used to a high degree, making the lesson clear and meaningful (e.g., computer programs, graphs, models, visuals)
  11. 18. explicitly made between past learning and new concepts
  12. 19. SIOP second key element built with the purpose of creating a foundation
  13. 20. opportunities for students to use learning strategies
  14. 21. Delivery seventh component of SIOP with focus on teacher’s ability to connect learning goals and convey relevant information
  15. 22. fourth key element of SIOP that incorporates diverse methods and open-ended questions
  16. 23. engaged approximately 90% to 100% of the period
  17. 26. objectives clearly defined, displayed, and reviewed with students
  18. 27. activities that integrate lesson concepts (e.g., interviews, letter writing, simulations, models) with language practice opportunities for reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking
  19. 29. first component of SIOP initiated by the teacher in advance of a lesson
  20. 30. materials and/or manipulatives provided for students to practice using new content knowledge
  21. 36. of key content concepts