
  1. 2. Mentor Mentee and.....
  2. 3. Assessment to provide feedback
  3. 4. Pyramid-knows, knows how, shows how and does
  4. 6. The present medical curriculum is based on?
  5. 7. teacher centered method for large group
  6. 12. Adult Learning Theory
  7. 14. Stage of group development featuring cohesion
  8. 15. Father of adult learning theory
  9. 17. A domain pertaining to knowledge
  1. 1. A New role proposed in GMER 2023
  2. 5. Objectives set to fulfil Mission and Vision
  3. 8. acting out a situation-attitude domain
  4. 9. One of the element in SLO
  5. 10. SMART criteria of SLO
  6. 11. Teacher under a microscope????
  7. 13. a series of prepared talks on a topic
  8. 16. gain pupil attention at the beginning of class