
  1. 2. Shino’s Bane
  2. 3. Greatest underrated artist
  3. 4. Mathematics definition: Knowledge, Study, _____
  4. 8. Country where ballet originated
  5. 10. Who first used Zero
  6. 11. Rhymes with Schmata
  7. 15. Father of Mathematics
  8. 18. Stanford’s team name
  9. 20. Opposite of an Integral
  10. 21. Father of Ballet
  11. 22. Stanford Band’s mascot
  1. 1. UC Berkeley rival
  2. 5. City where Pizza was invented
  3. 6. Shino’s favorite city
  4. 7. Second hardest college to get admitted to
  5. 9. Brought ballet to America
  6. 12. 1853 village at Encinal and High streets
  7. 13. Mathematical study of continuous change
  8. 14. Circumference of a circle, divided by its diameter
  9. 16. Country of earliest written mathematics
  10. 17. First female mathematician
  11. 19. Forty One, Forty Three, Forty Seven, ____