Shivansh Agarwal REVISION UOI-5

  1. 4. a chemical to remove weeds
  2. 7. which crop genrate most money
  3. 8. Groudnut is sown manualy by a dibbler
  4. 9. When Rabi crop is sown
  5. 11. turning and loosenening of soil brings nutrient to the -
  6. 12. sowing in the process of farming
  7. 13. what is the tool shape in C
  1. 1. flail is a digging tool
  2. 2. a chemical to remove pest
  3. 3. combine harvester is small in size
  4. 5. jowar and bajra are sown by drilling
  5. 6. When Zaid crop is harvested
  6. 10. When Kharif crop is harvested