Shop Safety

  1. 2. Yellow safety color means
  2. 3. Full of danger
  3. 5. Oxygen, Heat and Fuel are known as
  4. 6. Combustable Metals
  5. 8. A in PASS
  6. 10. T/F You should only use tools for its intended purpose
  7. 12. Ordinary Combustibles(Fire)
  8. 15. First S in PASS
  9. 16. Electrical Fires
  10. 17. Green safety color means
  11. 18. Agency created in 1970 to cut down on injuries in the workplace
  1. 1. Orange safety color means
  2. 2. Not being careful, #1 cause of shop accidents
  3. 4. PPE stands for
  4. 7. Red safety color means
  5. 9. Sound is measured in
  6. 11. T/F Shop safety rules are there to make you miserable
  7. 13. 2nd s in PASS
  8. 14. P in PASS
  9. 16. Flammable liquids(Fire)