Camera Work

  1. 1. Typically the actors, used to convey emotion.
  2. 6. A first shot of a scene. Usually used to tell the audience where the scene is taking place
  3. 9. any shot where the camera moves alongside the object(s) it is recording.
  4. 14. A shot that keeps all players in scene. Everything is viewed
  5. 16. A shot view from the shoulder/conversational
  6. 17. A shot taken from an incredibly long distance. Usually used to make the characters look little or take in the environment.
  1. 2. is a brand of camera stabilizer that provides smooth filming
  2. 3. Angle Shot w/ camera looking down, makes the subject look vulnerable
  3. 4. Making the shot off the horizontal axis
  4. 5. Subject takes full frame.
  5. 7. A camera held by hand also to provide a more chaotic shot
  6. 8. Usually taken with an airborne device
  7. 10. In filmmaking and video production, a shot is a shot taken by a camera on a crane or jib.
  8. 11. Looking through the "eyes" of the subject.
  9. 12. A shot from a medium distance or a shot from the waist up.
  10. 13. Angle Shot w/ camera is looking up, makes the subject look powerful
  11. 15. A cinematographic technique in which the camera stays in a fixed position but rotates up/down in a vertical plane.