Shoulder Anatomy

  1. 4. Muscle located on the anterior aspect of the chest. Performs the motions of shoulder flexion, adduction, internal rotation, and horizontal adduction
  2. 6. Articulation of the sternum and clavicle
  3. 7. Slender, s-shaped bone that supports the anterior portion of the shoulder, and extends from the sternum to the acromion process of the scapula
  4. 12. Muscle located on the anterior aspect of the humerus. Performs the motion of shoulder flexion
  5. 14. Muscle located between the scapula and spine that performs the motion of scapula retraction
  6. 16. Muscle located on the posterior aspect of the scapula that performs the motion of shoulder external rotation
  7. 17. Bone of the upper arm
  8. 18. Articulation of the glenoid fossa on the scapula and humerus. The true shoulder joint
  9. 19. Group of muscles that stabilize the glenohumeral joint and rotate the humerus
  1. 1. Movement of the scapula against the thoracic ribs. Fake joint
  2. 2. Aka the breast bone, the upper portion articulated with the clavicle, and it serves as the only attachment point of the upper limb and the axial skeleton
  3. 3. Muscle located on the back. Performs the motions of shoulder extension, adduction, and internal rotation
  4. 5. Muscle that covers the shoulder and performs the motion of shoulder abduction
  5. 8. Articulation of the acromion process on the scapula and the clavicle
  6. 9. Aka the shoulder blade. Serves as the main articulating surface for the head of the humerus
  7. 10. Muscle located on the anterior aspect of the scapula that performs the motion of shoulder internal rotation
  8. 11. Muscle located on the posterior scapula that performs the motions of shoulder external rotation and adduction
  9. 13. Large muscle that spans from the back of the head to the thoracic spine (middle of the back)
  10. 15. Muscle located on the posterior scapula that performs the motion of shoulder abduction