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  1. 5. Note, Receives one beat in 4/4 time
  2. 10. hold the note for its full value
  3. 12. medium loud
  4. 13. short and seperated
  5. 15. the singers' instrument
  6. 16. means very
  7. 17. The louds and softs in music
  8. 18. loud
  1. 1. the muscle used in breathing
  2. 2. Receives two beats in 4/4 time
  3. 3. medium soft
  4. 4. Hold the note longer than its value
  5. 6. soft
  6. 7. Receives four beats in 4/4 time
  7. 8. means medium
  8. 9. very loud
  9. 11. How to play or sing a particular note
  10. 14. very soft