- 1. Ayelet's favorite social media site
- 3. Game that Uncle Zev won a gold medal
- 4. Shrage hometown
- 8. Papa's sister in Chicago
- 10. Noam's favorite strategy game
- 13. Bubby's maiden name
- 14. County where the Shrage home is
- 15. Mommy and Uncle Zev's hometown
- 18. Abba's hometown
- 19. Sabba's middle name
- 20. computer game that Uncle Zev taught
- 2. Maternal great grandmother
- 5. Thing that broke when Sabba was 3
- 6. city where Bubby and Sabba are originally from
- 7. Capital of Michigan
- 9. Hiking location in New York
- 11. Orly's favorite movie
- 12. Second parsha in the Torah
- 16. Last name of head of Camp Stone
- 17. Liat's favorite Star Wars character