SHS Crossword

  1. 4. What is the name of the award you can receive for gaining 3.5 health science credits?
  2. 6. What teacher does metal shop/mechanics (last only)?
  3. 8. What female staff member works in the library? (last only)
  4. 9. What teacher wears the same outfit every day? (last only)
  5. 11. Who is the person who coaches the football team AND teaches a weightlifting PE class?(last only)
  6. 12. What teacher has a dad working at the school (first only)?
  1. 1. What competition does Club Med go to?
  2. 2. What hall pass app are you supposed to fill out before leaving class?
  3. 3. What does the “D” stand for in the acronym PRIDE in the Selah School District?
  4. 5. How many selah schools are there in the district (spell out: ex. ¨ten¨ not ¨10¨)?
  5. 7. What does the ¨P” stand for in the acronym PRIDE in the Selah School District?
  6. 8. What are the acronyms for the club based on agricultural concepts?
  7. 10. What is the name of the Selah School District superintendent? (last only)