SI week 1

  1. 1. this is another required material students need to bring that is non-graphing
  2. 4. this is required for students to bring on both quiz and exam days
  3. 6. this is the time when lab reports are due in the lab period
  4. 7. your midterm and final are worth this amount of points
  5. 8. true or false safety glasses are not acceptable in lab
  6. 11. you must wear this at all times in lab
  7. 14. this must be used in you lab report. failure to do so will result in no credit
  8. 16. you must ____ your lab report before coming to class
  9. 17. no ___________ to lab grades are allowed after your last lab period
  1. 2. 150 points are the total points ______ in the lab
  2. 3. If this action is done, you will receive a 0 on any lab report that is not completed in your own words
  3. 5. this is a result if you do not have your manual on a lab day as well as a .5 deduction on your lab report
  4. 9. true or false I can wear open toed shoes on lab days
  5. 10. you can only pass this course if you receive more than this amount of points in lab
  6. 12. this will only be allowed for university excused absences as well as the COVID 19 protocol
  7. 13. each quiz is worth this amount of points
  8. 15. quizzes and exams in the laboratory are closed ____ and cheating is taken very seriously