
  1. 2. CHF
  2. 4. CAD
  3. 8. AF
  4. 11. used to listen to the patient's heartbeat
  5. 13. high blood pressure
  6. 15. used to visualize the inside of blood vessels
  7. 17. surrounding, around
  8. 19. EKG
  9. 24. a disease of the blood vessels
  10. 25. picture of heart via ultrasound
  11. 26. cardiac muscle
  1. 1. the brain
  2. 3. caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart
  3. 5. process of
  4. 6. activity
  5. 7. AA
  6. 9. a weakened area of the aorta that causes risk of
  7. 10. smallest blood vessels in body
  8. 12. a disease that affects blood vessels that supply the heart
  9. 14. distributes oxygen-rich blood throughout the body
  10. 16. organ that pumps blood
  11. 18. carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart
  12. 20. imaging technology to assess the function and structure of the cardiovascular system
  13. 21. between
  14. 22. removal
  15. 23. a recording of the heart's