Signs Crossword Puzzle by Xsploor

  1. 2. ___ limit
  2. 3. Potential trouble
  3. 4. Stop sign shape
  4. 10. Stop sign color
  5. 11. Interstate roadway with signs
  6. 13. ___ turn only
  7. 15. Do not ___
  8. 16. Structure over water
  9. 18. Bike ___
  10. 22. ___ stop
  11. 24. ___ on the right
  12. 25. Another lane name for HOV
  13. 26. Falling ___
  14. 27. National___
  15. 29. Allowed in diamond lane on freeway
  16. 30. Spreading trash
  17. 32. Slow when these are present
  18. 34. Going an alternate route
  19. 36. Person walking across street
  20. 38. Yield sign shape
  1. 1. Word for motels/hotels in signs
  2. 2. Decrease speed
  3. 5. Railroad crossing sign shape
  4. 6. Lanes ___ ahead
  5. 7. Historic ___
  6. 8. Federal highway system
  7. 9. Required for tires on snowy roads
  8. 12. Road ___ ahead
  9. 14. Payment to cross bridge
  10. 17. Deer crossing sign shape
  11. 19. No left ___
  12. 20. Fuel pump symbol means this
  13. 21. Area where passing is allowed
  14. 23. ___ way
  15. 27. Not allowed by a red curb
  16. 28. Sign color for disabled parking
  17. 31. ___ end
  18. 33. Traffic light color
  19. 35. Shelter symbol in campsite sign
  20. 37. ___ ramp