Simon Ghebru - Pathology Review

  1. 6. This condition can causing sever muscle spams or contractions due to a neurotoxin.
  2. 8. This type of bacteria will stain and its color will turn dark purple because of its peptidoglycans
  3. 9. This type of diabetes is an autoimmune disorder
  4. 12. Orthoses This O&P Device is needed to manage Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy
  5. 13. This condition causes cardiovascular disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease after 15-20 years of onset of hyperglycemia
  6. 15. What is the most common type of motor impairment for individuals with Cerebral Palsy
  7. 16. Considered to be an early since of nephropathy
  8. 19. The leading cause of blindness in people under 60 and 75-80% of diabetics will be impaired by this disease
  9. 20. This is a type of bone brake that has multiple fractures occurring at one site
  1. 1. Accident This is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States
  2. 2. This period of infection progression an individual will have nonspecific constitutional symptoms and can last 1 to 2 days
  3. 3. A congenital disease that is occurs because of iodine deficiency because of thyroid hormone synthesis
  4. 4. Hour The time frame is period of consciousness that occurs between initial consciousness and increased intracranial pressure
  5. 5. Spaces that are filled with bone marrow
  6. 7. This type of diabetes is insulin resistance
  7. 10. Cells Functions mainly to produce Cerebral Spinal Fluid within the Choroid Plexus
  8. 11. This condition can result in death if one eats improperly canned vegetables that contain a deadly exotoxin
  9. 14. Affects the entire peripheral nervous system
  10. 17. This condition is marked by greater bone resorption than actual bone formation
  11. 18. This a scan provides a T-Score which measures bone mineral density