Simple and Compound Machines

  1. 2. using a force to move an object a distance
  2. 5. a light bulb is an example of this simple machine type
  3. 8. a seesaw is an example of this simple machine type
  4. 9. a steering wheel is an example of this simple machine type
  5. 10. a machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  6. 11. exercise equipment uses this type of simple machine to lift weights
  7. 12. an example of a compound machine that is used to cut paper
  8. 13. an axe is an example of this simple machine type
  1. 1. work is measured in
  2. 3. a ramp is an example of this simple machine type
  3. 4. a combination of two or more simple machines
  4. 6. a device that changes the force or increases the motion from work
  5. 7. an example of a compound machine that is used to carry objects from one place to another