Simple and Compound Machines

  1. 2. A triangular shaped object that is also a portable inclined plane
  2. 3. One of the three types of pulleys that is unable to be moved
  3. 6. This is created when two things rub against eachother, simple machines help with it
  4. 7. Simple Machine used to lift objects off the ground
  5. 8. The Rate at which work is done, you need this in order to work most machines
  6. 9. Large example of a compound machine
  7. 10. A compound machine found in every single building!
  8. 13. Attach a wheel to this and you have a simple machine with a powerful mechanical advantage
  9. 15. Medieval example of a compound machine that makes great use of levers
  10. 16. The most basic type of gear
  11. 17. Common item for construction and great for amplifying force
  1. 1. Name for the thing on the gear that mesh with other gears
  2. 2. Even larger example of a compound machine, famous in Holland
  3. 3. Fancy word for where load and effort in a simple machine meet
  4. 4. An example of a compound machine great for personal transportation
  5. 5. There are two types of this, kinetic and potential
  6. 8. A flat level surface
  7. 11. This is a simplified name for an inclined plane
  8. 12. An example of a compound machine and a handy tool for art class
  9. 14. These are used in the making of catapults