Simple Machines

  1. 2. Does work change when using an inclined plane compared to lifting and object straight up into the air?
  2. 3. Result of a force moving an object over a distance
  3. 4. A simple machine made of a wheel with a groove in the rim through which a chain or rope runs
  4. 6. A device that has few or no moving parts and makes work easier.
  5. 8. Inclined planes, wedges and screws are all types of __________ ___________.
  6. 9. A round shaft that is attached to one or more wheels
  7. 10. Energy an object has due to its motion
  8. 11. An engine hoist is a kind of _______________.
  9. 14. Energy that is stored, available as a result of an object’s position.
  10. 15. Axes, boat hulls, and a nail tip are examples of:
  11. 16. Door knobs, cars and screw drivers are all examples of:
  12. 19. A round object designed to reduce the amount of friction between the surfaces of 2 objects as one passes over the other
  13. 21. A simple machine made of a flat, slanted surface, or ramp
  14. 22. What is the unit of measurement for Force?
  15. 23. Jar lids and fan blades are examples of:
  1. 1. What is the unit of measurement for Work?
  2. 3. A simple machine that is wide at one end and narrow at the other end. Used to cut, split, or pierce objects.
  3. 5. A simple machine consisting of an arm and fulcrum
  4. 7. Ratio of the input force to the output force for a given machine
  5. 12. Flag poles, engine hoists, and barns all contain:
  6. 13. What is the unit of measurement for distance?
  7. 17. A simple machine consisting of a inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  8. 18. As the length of a part in a simple machine increases, the force used will:
  9. 20. Is the force needed to move an object less or more when an inclined plane’s length increases?