Simple Machines

  1. 2. You can increase the efficiency of an inclined plane by decreasing _____
  2. 4. Simple Machines decrease ___
  3. 7. A screw is a wound up _________
  4. 9. Simple machines are tasked with making work____
  5. 10. Combine multiple simple machines to create a ______
  6. 11. A steering Wheel is an example of a _____
  7. 13. The pivot at which a lever turns.
  8. 14. A knife is an example of a ____
  1. 1. Simple Machines increase ___
  2. 3. You can determine the ideal __________of an inclined plane by dividing the length of the incline by its height.
  3. 5. A hockey stick is an example of a ______
  4. 6. There are ___ different Simple Machines
  5. 8. Compound Machines are made up of ____
  6. 12. A well is an example of a ____