Simple Machines

  1. 2. using a force to move an object a distance
  2. 4. the unit used to measure force
  3. 6. a bar that pivots on a point
  4. 9. a slanted surface
  5. 11. wheels with teeth
  6. 12. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  7. 15. the number of times a machine multiplies your effort
  1. 1. the rate at which work is done
  2. 2. wheel that turns together with an axle
  3. 3. the ability to cause change
  4. 5. the unit for work
  5. 7. the unit used to measure distance
  6. 8. two inclined planes back to back
  7. 10. a comparison of a machines work input with its work output
  8. 13. the unit for power
  9. 14. the unit used to measure time