Simple Machines

  1. 2. a flat, sloped surface
  2. 4. force x distance
  3. 7. a rigid bar that is free to pivot
  4. 9. the force exerted on the machine
  5. 10. two cylindrical objects fastened together
  6. 11. A device that allows you to do work in a way that is easier
  7. 12. grooved wheel with a rope or cable
  8. 14. the force the machine exerts on an object
  9. 16. a device that is thick at one edge and tapers toward the other
  1. 1. SI unit for work
  2. 3. compares the output force to the input force
  3. 5. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  4. 6. output force divided by input force
  5. 8. a machine that utilizes 2 or more simple machines
  6. 13. a fixed point that a lever pivots around
  7. 15. the rate at which work is done