Simple Machines

  1. 1. When an object changes its position over time
  2. 3. A machine in which 2 parts rotate together where a force is transferred from one to the other
  3. 4. A machine that converts rotational motion to linear motion
  4. 9. A force generated by 2 surfaces that slide against each other
  5. 10. A bar that rotates around a fixed point
  1. 2. Tilted at an angle;used as an aid to help raise and lower a load.
  2. 5. 3 laws that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it
  3. 6. Equals Mass x Acceleration
  4. 7. Supports movement and change of direction using a cable or belt
  5. 8. A simple machine that consist of 2 inclined planes;has a thick end and a thin end