Simple Machines

  1. 2. A crane is an example of a _______
  2. 4. The force you apply when you want to move an object over a distance - such as a ramp
  3. 5. This is a simple machine which is often disguised as a circular object
  4. 9. This is the force of gravity pulling an object down to the ground. It is also known as weight.
  5. 12. These types of machines are made of few or no moving parts
  6. 14. Scissors are an example of a ____ class lever
  7. 16. Using BBQ tongs would be an example of a ___ class lever
  8. 17. This is a simple machine that uses the turning effect of a force (fulcrum) to work
  1. 1. A wheelborrow is an example of a ___ class lever
  2. 3. This is an example of an inclined plane which the ramp is pushed down into an object (eg: a corkscrew)
  3. 6. In a second class lever, this is placed in the middle
  4. 7. In a lever, this is the resistance to motion
  5. 8. There is ____ force required when pushing a force up a steep slope compared to a gentle slope
  6. 9. A ramp allows you to do the work with ____ force
  7. 10. In a lever, this is the force used to cause movement
  8. 11. When the fulcrum is in between the load and effort it is known as a ____ class lever
  9. 13. This is a device that makes a physical task easier
  10. 15. This is an example of an inclined plane which can be used to split an object.
  11. 18. An inclined plane is also known as a _____