Simple Machines

  1. 3. helps to lift heavy objects
  2. 6. leaning or tilting at an angle
  3. 9. the outermost part of an object
  4. 10. not complicated
  5. 11. a thing that you can see or touch but is not alive
  6. 13. used to connect a pair of wheels
  7. 14. a combination of a lever and a wheel used in the garden
  8. 15. to join two or more things together
  1. 1. to seperate or divide from end to end
  2. 2. pushing on one end lifts another thing up
  3. 4. an amount of something that is carried or moved
  4. 5. a device with parts that work together to do or make something
  5. 7. a type of inclined plane use to push big loads up
  6. 8. to take away or to take off
  7. 9. a type of lever you can ride in the park
  8. 12. a flat surface, like a wooden board
  9. 14. an inclined plane to help cut wood