  1. 4. A tool made of 2 levers attached together for cutting paper.
  2. 6. Tool that allows you to lift or pull heavy objects much easier.
  3. 8. A compound machine made up of a lever, wheel and axle, and inclined plane.
  4. 9. Fixed point on a lever.
  5. 10. Used to raise a flag up the flagpole.
  6. 12. Number of different types of simple machines.
  7. 14. Lever used for digging holes.
  8. 15. wedge used for chopping wood.
  1. 1. An inclined plane allowing people to move up and down levels in their home or office easily.
  2. 2. wheel and axle device used to open doors.
  3. 3. Incline plane found in most playgrounds.
  4. 4. Lever that kids play on.
  5. 5. can be classified as both an incline plane and a screw.
  6. 7. A simple machine used to separate something.
  7. 11. A simple machine that is spiral shaped and used to pull two things together.
  8. 13. When you push, pull or turn something you are applying this.