simple machines

  1. 3. when the pulley is attached to the ceiling or some immovable object.
  2. 5. The force which an effort force must overcome in order to do work on an object
  3. 10. a system of two or more pulleys that reduces the effort force required to move something.
  4. 13. A lever with the fulcrum and effort force on opposite sides
  5. 14. The force used to move an object over a distance.
  1. 1. A lever with the fulcrum in the middle
  2. 2. the ratio of the force produced by a machine to the force applied to it, used in assessing the performance of a machine.
  3. 4. a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other.
  4. 6. a lever with the fulcrum and input force on opposite sides
  5. 7. when a pulley carries the load and one end is attached to a ceiling.
  6. 8. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  7. 9. a ramp
  8. 11. A wheel that carries a flexible rope, cord, cable, chain, or belt on its rim
  9. 12. any of the basic mechanical devices for applying a force, such as an inclined plane, wedge, or lever.