Simple Machines

  1. 4. done by a machine
  2. 8. how much a machines multiplies your effort
  3. 11. the work the machine does
  4. 12. class of lever with the input in the middle
  5. 13. machines can change force or
  6. 15. a wheel with a groove that holds a rope
  1. 1. percent of Winput that becomes Woutput
  2. 2. causes a loss of efficiency
  3. 3. type of mechanical advantage that does not have friction
  4. 5. class of lever with the fulcrum in the middle
  5. 6. IMA for an inclined plane is ______ divided by height
  6. 7. class of lever with the output in the middle
  7. 9. a doorknob if an example of a wheel and
  8. 10. forces times distance
  9. 11. the work the user of a machines does
  10. 14. done by a person