Simple machines

  1. 2. An acronym to help identify classes of lever
  2. 3. A pulley attached to a solid object
  3. 6. A wide cylinder that can help reduce friction
  4. 8. a wheel with a groove and a rope
  5. 11. a bar that runs through a wheel
  6. 12. a combination of fixed and moveable pulleys
  7. 13. A lever with the Load in the middle
  8. 14. an object that rests on a fulcrum
  1. 1. A lever with the Fulcrum in the middle
  2. 2. The force the resists movement
  3. 4. The amount of force being used
  4. 5. cylindrical object that usually has an axle
  5. 7. a pulley attached to the load
  6. 9. The object being moved
  7. 10. the push or pull of an object
  8. 12. A lever with the effort in the middle