Simple Machines

  1. 5. During the school day, I use many of these; some examples are scissors and pencil sharpeners.
  2. 11. This inclined plane can often be found on a playground.
  3. 12. Gravity and friction are types of this.
  4. 13. This simple machine has many different uses but many people are surprised that it opens a door.
  5. 14. These items don't change the amount of work necessary to do a job, but they make the job easier to do.
  6. 17. This lever can be found on many schoolyard playgrounds.
  7. 18. This is how many simple machines that you can name.
  8. 19. People use a pulley on this tall pole every morning and evening.
  1. 1. When I swing a baseball bat or sweep the floor, my hand acts as one of these.
  2. 2. In the winter, many people will rub their arms together to create heat from this force.
  3. 3. The back of the moving van has one of these so people can easily push heavy loads up into the truck.
  4. 4. This wheel and axle is something that people use to get into rooms.
  5. 6. This simple machine that hold items together comes in many different sizes.
  6. 7. I can use this wedge to butter my bread or cut my sandwich.
  7. 8. Cranes will use this simple machine to lift cargo from the ground onto a ship.
  8. 9. This invisible force keeps objects from floating in the air.
  9. 10. Many people look at this simple machine and confuse it with another one that stays put when it is in use. It is often used to push things apart.
  10. 14. This wheel and axle can help turn screws into a surface.
  11. 15. You will find this screw on the top of many containers - it is a synonym for top.
  12. 16. A lumberjack uses this example of a simple machine to cut trees.