Simple Machines

  1. 3. I am an example of a third class lever
  2. 5. I am the meaning of force that is applied on an object
  3. 7. I am also known as the second-class lever.
  4. 9. I am often found with a wheel
  5. 10. I am an example of simple machine where the Effort is between the resistance and the fulcrum. I am needed to remove things.
  1. 1. An inclined plane will need this in order to push the box with less force.
  2. 2. An axe is an example of this simple machine
  3. 4. I am also known as the third class lever
  4. 6. An inclined plane that circles an axis
  5. 8. I can reduce the amount of force needed to lift a load or change the direction of motion.