Simple Machines

  1. 2. Two inclined planes back to back
  2. 3. All machines are built using 1 or more _
  3. 6. Uses a wheel to move heavy objects
  4. 8. Pulleys are used to raise this on a sailboat
  5. 10. The axle is the ____ that holds the wheels together
  6. 14. Can be used to raise of lower things
  1. 1. A bicycle is and example of a _____
  2. 4. A wedge holds things together and ____ things
  3. 5. Simple machines have very ___ parts
  4. 7. Uses force to move something
  5. 8. Lever used for digging holes in the ground
  6. 9. Inclined plane often found on a playground
  7. 11. How many different simple machines are there?
  8. 12. An inclined plane around a cylinder
  9. 13. Wedge used for cutting food
  10. 15. Machines are tools that make task _____